*My apologies, my computer is being sent back to HP for constant issues. Hopefully it will be repaired soon so I can continue blogging BB13!! Worst timing ever!!

*WARNING - This blog contains SPOILERS. I watch both the LIVE FEEDS and SHOWTIME BBAD and will write about both at my convenience :)

(This site was created, and looks best, using Firefox).

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Meet the Houseguests - Shelly

Shelly – The Classy, Non-Barbie, Non-Booty-Showing, Average American

Shelly is married and is also the mother of a little girl. She states she represents the “average American” which brings her own uniqueness to the Big Brother game and wants to show how average people can go in and win it. One of her biggest fears about going in to the Big Brother house is the cameras; she doesn’t want any booty shots and converted all of her underwear into “shorts.” See her CBS.com bio and video below:

Name: Shelly Moore
Age: 41
Hometown: Centerville, Ohio (living in Prairieville, La.)
Occupation: Outdoors Industry Executive
Three adjectives that describe you: Dynamic, tenacious and giving
Favorite activities: I like to play with my family. We play wall ball and Super Mario is hilarious. We like to ride bikes and scooters and swim a lot. I also like collecting all the junk mail, then saving it, and then putting all of it in a postage paid junk mail envelope to send back to one of the senders.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the BIG BROTHER house? (Dealing with) the filth of people who don't clean up their stuff. The other hard part would be sleeping in a room with people who snore. Also, popping a zit in front of America would be a new challenge.
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I'm a leader, a ring leader and a team builder. I would try to pull a good group of people together that could mutually benefit from the arrangement.
Which past BIG BROTHER cast member did you like most or least? I loved Jeff and Jordan. They were genuine and real. They were also extremely classy and represented themselves very well as human beings.
What are you afraid of? Snakes and really tall buildings.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? My daughter. Every smile, every hug, every word... she is part of her daddy and me.
Finish this sentence: My life's motto is... It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena... Teddy Roosevelt
What would you take into the house and why? My husband and daughter smiling in a picture, Monster Blue (energy drink) and ear plugs.
What would you do if BIG BROTHER made you famous? I would make a bee line to St. Jude's hospital with my little girl and do all we could for those kids.
(Courtesy of CBS.com)

(Courtesy of CBS.com)

Superpass Big Brother 13 Preseason (sorry, can’t legally post these):

Shelly’s Interview: I’m really loving Shelly. She reminds me of last season’s Kathy (but more mature and “classy” – no offense). We have another fan of the show; she’s been watching since the first season of Big Brother and she’s a fellow “live feeder” which always gains respect in my book. Shelly reiterates that her favorite season was “Jeff and Jordan’s” season because she loves the classy way they played the game (Ooooh it’s going to be exciting if Jeff and Jordan are picked to return to the house, but I’ll get back to that later ;)

She’s passionate about giving back and would like to start a program called “Capes for Kids” at St. Jude’s Hospital. If she won she’d also arrange a meeting between her 8 year-old daughter and Justin Beiber (awww, cute answer). She seems to be quite paranoid about any inappropriate images of her surfacing from the show (just my opinion). She’s also disabled her Twitter and Facebook until she’s out of the house. Shelly is very conscientious of her family and how her experience as a housemate will affect them. I really like that about her.

Favorite Shelly quote: (Shelly on alliance names) “…It won’t be the BRAH-GADE!” She then talks about how she’s a smoker and how smokers “bond” so maybe it will be a “Smokin’…” alliance name :) “I’ve got a couple names up my sleeve for sure…”

My Final Thought: Shelly is a breath of fresh air. I don’t think we’ll see too much drama from her. She seems like an “average” and “classy,” middle-class, southern wife and mother. While she is a Vice President at a major company (not sure where it is yet) I don’t think her personality portrays a stereotypical VP. I also can’t see her selling her soul like others (who shall remain nameless) for the Big Brother game. I will be rooting her on all the way and I believe based upon first impressions, she will be a strong contender to win.

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