*My apologies, my computer is being sent back to HP for constant issues. Hopefully it will be repaired soon so I can continue blogging BB13!! Worst timing ever!!

*WARNING - This blog contains SPOILERS. I watch both the LIVE FEEDS and SHOWTIME BBAD and will write about both at my convenience :)

(This site was created, and looks best, using Firefox).

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Meet the Houseguests - Adam

Adam – The Heavy Metal, 90210 Lovin', Teddy Bear

Count him out of a “showmance” this season because Adam left a girlfriend back home to be on Big Brother. He thinks he will bring a uniqueness to the season with his heavy metal cuddling ways! Adam claims his biggest fear about being in the house is people not getting to know him; so essentially, not forming bonds with other housemates. Adam will do anything it takes to win Big Brother 13. See his CBS.com bio and video below:

Name: Adam Poch
Age: 39
Hometown: East Brunswick, N.J. (living in Hoboken, N.J.)
Occupation: Music Inventory Manager
Three adjectives that describe you: Funny, loud and cuddly
Favorite activities: Concerts, dining out, movies, TV, Broadway plays, hanging with friends and traveling.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the BIG BROTHER house? No music, TV, concerts, sports - but mostly no music.
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I am a born leader and a very friendly guy, so it will not be hard for me to make friends. Most of all, I plan to stay cool with as many people as possible so that whoever has power will not view me as a threat.
Which past BIG BROTHER cast member did you like most or least? Like: Evel Dick, Howie, Ronnie, Janelle and Rachel. Dislike: Cappy, Ivette and that whole Nerd Herd.
What are you afraid of? Large barking dogs.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I once ate an XXL pizza all by myself! More seriously, being able to maintain a job in the industry that I love for 17 years.
Finish this sentence: My life's motto is... worry about the things you can control and deal with the things you can't.
What would you take into the house and why? A micro cassette recorder so I could hear what others are saying, a big bottle of Bourbon and my heavy metal sneakers.
What would you do if BIG BROTHER made you famous? I would still remember who was there for me before.
(Courtesy of CBS.com)

(Courtesy of CBS.com)

Superpass Big Brother 13 Preseason (sorry, can’t legally post these):
Adam’s Interview:
It’s refreshing to see someone unique on the show. Often it seems Big Brother casting picks a certain “type” of individuals. This year is different and indeed diverse. Adam is a true Big Brother fan and has watched since the first season. Adam even gives a shoutout to “Hamster Watch,” “Real Network’s Big Brother Live Feeds” and “Showtime After Dark” and all of us blogging live feed watchers, proving his loyalty to the show.

Wow! Adam has lost 100 lbs in the last year and has been working out/training in anticipation and hopes of being on Big Brother. He said he watched last year’s Big Brother housemate, Enzo, and knew he needed to be in good physical shape to win challenges.

Favorite Adam quote: “…So, waking up with her on Saturday and Sunday mornings watching “Beverly Hills 90210” in bed, is what I’m going to miss the absolute most.” (Adam talking about how much his lovely girlfriend means to him and how much he will miss her).

My final thought: Honestly, Adam appears to be such a genuinely nice guy that I can’t help but mark him down as an early favorite.

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