*My apologies, my computer is being sent back to HP for constant issues. Hopefully it will be repaired soon so I can continue blogging BB13!! Worst timing ever!!

*WARNING - This blog contains SPOILERS. I watch both the LIVE FEEDS and SHOWTIME BBAD and will write about both at my convenience :)

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Meet the Houseguests - Cassi

Cassi – The Dude Buddy, Drama-Free, Daddy’s Girl

Cassi is very close to her father and feels that will be the person she will miss most during this experience. She describes herself as “quirky” and “fun” and she is happy with who she is as a person and doesn’t much care what other people think of her. Hard to get a rise out of her and she seems to be pretty drama free; I think she’ll be surprising herself if she actually gets into any catty fights in the house. Cassi is a finicky eater so that will probably be her biggest challenge; she claims to stick with a few choice items in her diet and being without them and on the BB diet will surely be difficult.

Dan is her favorite former Big Brother player. We won’t be watching a showmance blossom with Cassi; she claims that getting involved with someone romantically is a very slow process and not one that would take place in a mere 3 month season of BB. If she finds a connection they can pursue it on the outside. As far as gameplay, she’ll lie if she has to but will always remain herself. See her CBS.com bio and video below:

Name: Cassi Colvin
Age: 26
Hometown: Allen, Texas (living in Nashville, Tenn.)
Occupation: Model
Three adjectives that describe you: Stubborn, sincere and funny
Favorite activities: My favorite thing to do is to sit around (preferably outside and with men) and have a couple of beers.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the BIG BROTHER house? It will be hard to be cut off from the world for (hopefully) three months, but what are a few months in the grand scheme of things?
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I'm going to play the same way I live - be sweet and kind to everyone but always remember it's a game and everyone's in it for themselves. My plan is to stay neutral, fly under the radar, don't be a threat and play well in competitions.
What are you afraid of? Heights! I don't care for insects or snakes, but for the sake of the game, bring them on.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Having a successful career. I've made it happen through persistence and devotion and I haven't let it change who I am.
Finish this sentence: My life's motto is... go hard or not at all. Suck everything you can out of life and live with no regrets. Never treat anyone as if they're less than you because you haven't walked in their shoes.
What would you take into the house and why? Music because it is a powerful tool that can literally alter your mood, books because they're a relaxing escape and lotion because I need it.
What would you do if BIG BROTHER made you famous? Fame has never been something I've actively sought out, but if it happened through the show I would absolutely exploit it to the fullest. It would be a reward and blessing to know I have the tools to always support my family and myself.
(Courtesy of CBS.com)

(Courtesy of CBS.com)

Superpass Big Brother 13 Preseason (sorry, can’t legally post these):
Cassi’s Interview:
A recently converted Big Brother fan. She’d never really been into the show until she began the casting/interview process when she began cramming in the seasons (again, never thrilled with these casts but she seems to be a nice enough girl). Cassi has since caught up on several seasons and claims that season 12 has been her favorite. She believes she identifies most with Britney; in the beginning she didn’t agree with Britney’s “cattiness” but admits she played a great “social game” and shares some of her own “quirky” attributes. The housemate she’d least like to be compared to is Rachael because she “wouldn’t want to be looked at as unintelligent.”

Her strategy will be having “no strategy.” Cassi has a fear of heights and is a “picky” eater (no seafood, no red meat to name a couple) so both of these will be interesting when it comes to competitions. With the money, if she wins, Cassi plans to pay off her parent’s house and then buy her own little piece of property in Nashville.

Favorite Cassi Quote:
(On Rachael) “…Not the smartest crayon in the box.” (Can’t wait to see them together in the house if Rachael does indeed enter the house!)

My Final Thoughts: Stunning – Such a natural beauty. Confidence empowers her. I think she’s my other favorite (Love Adam, Lawon and Kalia too!) and hope she gets far in the game.

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