*My apologies, my computer is being sent back to HP for constant issues. Hopefully it will be repaired soon so I can continue blogging BB13!! Worst timing ever!!

*WARNING - This blog contains SPOILERS. I watch both the LIVE FEEDS and SHOWTIME BBAD and will write about both at my convenience :)

(This site was created, and looks best, using Firefox).

Friday, July 8, 2011

Premiere Night - Live Feeds 7/7/2011

It's always difficult for me to decipher just what is going on when the live feeds and BBAD start up (I'm sure it's like that for everyone). Here are the key things that I know to be factual:

Brendon and Rachel (HoH's) nominated Porsche and Keith for eviction. Keith immediately started campaigning against his partner, Porsche, which resulted in major tension from the beginning.

Seconds after the feeds turned on most had realized that Evel Dick was nowhere to be found. It's my understanding he was called into the Diary Room at approximately 5:30 BBT (Big Brother Time) and had not yet returned when the feeds went live (at 10pm BBT). People were panicking a little, wondering if it was some sort of twist; soon thereafter their panic began to turn into worry for Dick's health and safety. Daniele (Dick's daughter and partner in the game) was visibly upset because Big Brother had told them nothing (not sure if she is upset about her father or the fact that in his absence her game could be ruined). In the wee hours of the morning, all houseguests still awake and speculating about Dick, Daniele was called into the Diary Room and it was revealed that Dick had left the game due to "personal reasons." While everyone speculates it looks like we will not fully know the truth until next Wednesday's episode airs (according to CBS).

Jeff and Jordan, Brendon and Rachel, both pairs knew they were going into the house for approximately a month before being sequester. Although, according to Evel's recent video blog that surfaced online today, he had only known a day prior to being sequestered.

The houseguests have all been on an indoor lockdown as BB prepares for the Veto Competition planned to be held on 7/8. Everyone wants to smoke LOL.

The Have Nots are: Cassi, Shelly, Lawon and Kalia.

Now... Onto my thoughts of last night's Live Feeds:

Personally I think Rachel looks great. The hair extensions are much better this season and it even looks like she had a boob reduction. (She of course lost a few pounds, but that may just be her boobs? Her face definitely looks very thin). Who knows, maybe she didn't get a boob reduction but just lost a lot of weight. Either way she looks really good!

Rachel even appears less annoying so far. Fingers crossed. More on that on Friday's Live Feed Post.

I didn't see it coming but Dani and Rachel seem to be hitting it off quite well. I figured Dani would be impatient with Rachel and dismissing her before she got to know her. It's quite the opposite and I think those two will have one of the closer female bonds in the house. (I must add that Dani seems much more upbeat and happier this season; she also looks SMOKIN HOT).

It seems like Cassi and Dominic have become really close. They always seem to be in the same room together and engaged in conversation. I think Cassi is also going to get along great with Shelly.

Seeing Jeff and Jordan in the house makes me smile. They are a cute couple and I believe they bring a silly (Jordan) and very witty (Jeff) humor to the show that will help keep housemates from turning into a snooze-fest. And yes, in my opinion, Jeff is still the hottest guy on the planet. Big Brother did nothing but score major points with me by having them back.

With Dick's sudden departure, it leaves the dynamic duos of the past down by 1 player. Thankfully on the block we see two people from the "other side," the original 8 houseguests, Porsche and Keith. If noms stay the same and one of them goes home, the playing field will be level again. Jeff/Jordan or Dani will have to win next week though!

Apparently before knowing that Dick had left the BB house, Keith went on a ginormous rant about how fucked it is that the cards were stacked against them with the return of likable past houseguests. I personally did not see this on the feeds (not sure if I missed it because I went to bed early, or if it occurred before the feeds turned on), either way, he pissed a few people off and placed a bigger target on his back. (I know Shelly was really upset about it for some reason).

Rachel and Brendon were extremely upset last night when finding out the Dick had left. Jumping the gun (a lot) they began packing and wanted to leave the house. I think they thought Dani would leave too and that they (Bren/Rach) would be left fighting their way through the whole game like last season. Eventually they decided to stay, realizing what idiots they looked like, surely.

From what I understand, Dani, Rachel, Brendon, Jordan and Jeff are all in an "alliance." Really, what it boils down to is, the rookies are against the veterans (anyone watch MTV Challenges?).

Well, that pretty much sums up Thursday's premiere night of live feeds. I think this is going to end up being a really fantastic season. Till next time!

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