*My apologies, my computer is being sent back to HP for constant issues. Hopefully it will be repaired soon so I can continue blogging BB13!! Worst timing ever!!

*WARNING - This blog contains SPOILERS. I watch both the LIVE FEEDS and SHOWTIME BBAD and will write about both at my convenience :)

(This site was created, and looks best, using Firefox).

Friday, July 8, 2011

PoV Competition Results! - Live Feed and BBAD July 8th

It's been a day of strategizing and lounging indoors as the outside has continued to be off limits all day. Really not a whole lot to report.

Earlier in the day, Shelly kissed Rachel's ass in the storage room; basically telling Rach that this is her chance to redeem herself (blah, blah, kiss, blah).

Porsche had a meltdown due to her partner Keith
hormones and had it out with Keith in the "have not" room. She said he threw her under the bus the first chance he got as soon as they were up for eviction. Keith seemed like he wanted to work thing out with his partner and he apologized for rallying so hard to get votes to say. Porsche wasn't having any of it and talked in circles about how he betrayed her and she'll never be able to trust him again.

The house really had to find entertaining things to do around the house to occupy themeselves since the backyard was closed all day (preparing and tearing down for the Veto comp). Rachel and Dani made giant dice out of Kleenex boxes and fingernail polish for the numbers. They also had a sort of "skee-ball" set up in the kitchen.

Rachel won the PoV.
She is now 2 for 2 comps. This PoV had to do something with spelling "Veto." Rachel and Brendon were both seen in red unitards (Rachel, of course, enjoyed wearing hers. Brendon looked, well, not manly at all). The nominations (Keith and Porsche) will likely stay the same but it is unclear who will be going home. At first it was pretty unanimous that Porsche would go but I think now some people are questioning whether or not Keith can be trusted; Porsche may be easier to strike a deal with and save. As far as "that side" (newbies), they plan to vote Porsche out and save Keith.

Jeff and Jordan were being their usual cutesy selves. Rachel and Brendon fought (not exactly why they were arguing a bit after the Veto comp, doesn't even make sense, they won!). Keith apparently "showed his penis after six days in the house" and disgusted most of the house. Not sure what the hell that is all about. I just know it occurred in the backyard. (Can't help to look around and try to find Brendon's face whenever talk of the "Penis" comes up LOL).

BBAD was focused on the drinking game the houseguests seemed to play at the dining room table for a few hours. It was actually quite hilarious. I read several tweets on Twitter last night about how stupid and boring they were being. I am actually quite enjoying this cast. It's refreshing. Even if others find their games "stupid" I'd rather watch those instead of non-stop HoH strategy talks 24/7 (or everyone constantly sleeping for gawds sake). Anyhow, loved the games, and LOVED the fun (and a little bit drunken) energy!

P.S. Rachel wore an "I <3 My Hubby" t-shirt today... LOL

There are more pics available from July 8th! Just click on the tab above these posts to take you to the Live Feed Picture Gallery!

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