Big Brother 13's premiere aired last night, 9pm (west coast time) took forever to get here! The show itself was probably one of the best (compared to past seasons) in my opinion.
After the houseguests entered the house Julie revealed the twist that they will not only be playing in pairs but that there are past duos returning to the house. Everyone picked their pairs and the teams are as follows: Porsche & Keith, Lawon & Kalia, Adam & Dom, Shelly & Cassi.
One by one the doorbell rang and favorite (loved or hated) popular past duos rang the doorbell and returned to play the game. First came Brendon and Rachel. Then Jeff and Jordan. Finally Evel Dick and Danielle entered the house.
Emotions ran high. The newbie 8 houseguests were excited, shocked, and eventually feeling kind of cheated because they thought that the past duos had an unfair advantage.
The game is truly unique this season. Pairs win the HoH together and are both safe from nominations and eviction for the week. Once the HoH pick their noms (one pair goes on the block), this pair then turns on each other and will campaign against each other to remain in the house. The interesting aspect to this is the addition of the "Golden Key." The single housemate that remains (after their partner is evicted) will then possess a Golden Key which prevents him or her to be on the block for eviction for the next four weeks. This owner of the key will NOT be allowed to play in competitions OR be allowed to win HoH; however, they will be allowed to vote in eviction ceremonies.
The first HoH competition involved partners hanging on a banana together, suspended in the air, they were squirted with cream, chocolate, and other components of a banana split. What made this challenging is how slippery the banana got because of the components eventually covering the surface (must have been made of plastic, vinyl or rubber).
Guess who won the first HoH competition of the season? Rachel and Brendon. Dick and Danielle (the final two in the comp aside from Rachel) dropped after securing with Rachel that they would be safe from nominations.
The premiere was awesome! If you haven't caught it yet it is available on for viewing.
Next post up is last night's Live Feed and Showtime BBAD premieres.
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