*My apologies, my computer is being sent back to HP for constant issues. Hopefully it will be repaired soon so I can continue blogging BB13!! Worst timing ever!!

*WARNING - This blog contains SPOILERS. I watch both the LIVE FEEDS and SHOWTIME BBAD and will write about both at my convenience :)

(This site was created, and looks best, using Firefox).

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Live Feed Updates - July 9th

Lots of drama and game-talking on the feeds today. Tension running high between Rachel and Porsche, and, Lawon and Keith. It's been hard to keep up with everything that has been said today! If you don't have the feeds, you are missing out on a great season!

So, I've compiled a lot of the gametalk today. It's a long one so sit back, try your best to make sense of it all and enjoy!

Lost feeds for a bit this morning when the backyard opened up. Feeds have been up most of the afternoon now and there is so much gametalk going on. Going to do my best to explain a few convos.

Cassi talks to Brendon in the backyard. She tells him how she talked to Porsche and said it was nothing personal against her but with the way she constantly runs up to the HoH room and puts her head up His and Rachel's ass. Cassi thought she seemed kinda sketch. Then Porsche apparently has been trying to throw Cassi under the bus and that she doesn’t deserve to be here.. Cassi is complaining that Porsche has made NO effort to get to know “them.” (Not sure who they consist of).

According to Rachel (who talks to Jordan in the HoH room) Jordan is good at quizzes, Jeff is good at skills, Rachel is good at puzzles and endurance. (Rachel's strategic talk making sure they continue to win comps).

Meanwhile Keith and Dom in the Have-Not room discussing the game. Keith is saying that Lawon doesn’t have his best interests in mind. Dom agrees and says that Lawon and the “rest” also thinks something is going on with him and Cassi. Dom just wants Keith to stay. Dom says it’s going to come down to Keith giving one really good speech. Keith reiterates over and over that I'm “a loyal dude”... “He’s not a regulator” “he’s not having everyones best interests in mind” like Keith does. (Talking about Lawon). Keith wants to call Lawon out. He’s stuck to Dani’s ass. Keith promises Dom protection if he gets HoH.

Porsche and Keith then hash out who they will propose Rach/Bren to use the veto on. Didn’t catch most of the convo, all I know is Lawon’s name came up a lot but Porsche doesn’t think that option is realistic because they (Lawon and Kalia) will be easy to beat.
Finally the backyard is open to houseguests! Looks like a sunny day in the BB House.

Meanwhile, Kalia is talking to herself in the bathroom: "Champagne wishes and dirty white bitches?" (Your guess is as good as mine!)

Dom is asking Jeff and Jordan if they are going to always be with their “side” (alliance). Jeff basically says at least till they make it to final 8 and then readjust their strategy.

Jeff says there is no “your side” (to Dom)… “you need to get a grip” don’t you think that people on “your side” could be on our side? There really are no “sides”. No “old vs new”. It’s just who are clicking basically. Dom doesn’t want the “sides.” Dom doesn't have targets on anyone, he just doesn’t want to BE a target.
Basically Jeff, Jordan and Brendon are now giving Dom advice. Saying don’t WAIT to start talking to people until you get HoH. You need to do it now. Jeff says you HAVE to trust someone if you’re going to get far in the game.

Quick flash to Adam comparing himself to “Steve Sanders” (from 90210) LMAO!

Dom wants to know if “they” trust him. Jeff/Jor/Bren say they don’t know yet. They don’t have much to go on. Dom seems to be getting defensive. While they are not fighting during this convo, the tension is in the air sometimes. Dom never “drew a line in the sand,” he’s open (to alliances). Brendon wants to know why they should keep Dom. Dom says he wouldn’t put them up… Jeff and Brendon keeps saying that strategically he’s a strong player, that’s why they would want him out… damn talking in circles, ahhh.

Dom wants to know if they are playing together… are they against him? (Rach, Bren, Jor, Jeff). Brendon wants to know if Dom would put the four of them up if they keep him safe… That’s when Dom doesn’t answer and askes if they are together… Dom's sorta trying to strike a deal to go to the final 8 with them and then reassess after final 8. Dom wants the same respect back… if he’s going to not target them 4, Dom wants them to say it back (essentially striking a deal). Jeff basically tells Dom that if he goes to his “side” and tells them what they are all talking about, that there is a good chance they will know, because the “sides” aren’t as clear as he thinks. There are people on his side (Doms) that are working with the past peeps.
Dom only really trusts Cassi and (??) because they aren’t freaking out and shit talking.

Shortly after the convo with Bren/Jeff/Jor Dom runs to Dani and blabs his mouth. (Granted Dani is on THEIR side, but still… Just adding fuel as to why they can’t trust him).

Keith cornered Rachel and basically is trying to convince her to use the veto on them. Guarantees if she saves him, her and Brend will be safe. Rachel later tells Jeff about the convo. He doesn’t think they can trust Keith at all!

Lawon is paranoid that Keith and Porsche will come of the block and he and Kalia will be up in their place. Meanwhile Keith is talking shit about Lawon (saying he throws everyone under the bus and shares everyone’s secrets).

Kalia is basing her vote off of “who pleasures her the most in the big brother house,” then she said she will just be voting with the majority. It’s still early in the game, Lawon agrees. (I think it was Kalia, I had the sound up but not the video up; still learning their voices!).

Later in the house (4:25 BBT). Convo in the HoH. Apparently the impending house meeting is still being talked about. Kalia just asked Rach, Brend, Jor, and Jeff if her partner (Lawon) can be trusted. Rach said she didn’t know but said that she’s contemplating using the PoV (and putting her and Lawon up). Jeff is saying to Kalia not to trust him, there is too much shit coming out of his mouth (like her name) to be fully trusting him. Jeff and Rachel just assured her not to worry, she is fine. Jeff says they are being careful how they are saying things to her because if she gets questioned, they don’t want her to say Lawon is going if up on the block with her. She’s seems to be trying to throw Lawon under the bus (not sure if he has been shit talking and deserves it) and trying to work with the Jeff/Brendon/Rachel/Jordan/Dani alliance. But yes, they know about all the shit being talked by Lawon.
When Kalia left Jeff talks about his convo with Keith. Keith called Jeff out about Jeff saying that Keith said that his shit don’t sink.

Lawon also told Keith that after Dick left Jeff and Jordan were in the bathroom giggling. Which was total BS because Jeff was actually helping to pack Evel’s stuff. Keith even said he was in “Human Resources” setting Lawon up to see if the rumor circled the house, it did, Lawon then blamed it on Jeff and Jordan.
They changed the topic to how dumb Porsche is. Her head is in shambles and she doesn’t even know what the hell is going on. “Flip flops back and forth… out of her mind… everyone hates her…”

Cassi talked with Jeff earlier. She doesn’t “want to be in this situation” she wants to talk to their side.

Shelly is the most trustworthy person to bring on board (Bring Shelly and Cassi to there side). She told him she wants (Cassi) to work with “their” side (R/B/J/J/D). She also said she will vote however they want (Keith or Porsche). Jeff wants to SWAY to get her on their side and then next week get Dom/Lawon on the block and get rid of Dom so Cassi has no choice to stay faithful to them.
Everyone feels that regardless of what he said, Dom will put up Jeff/Jor or Rach/Brand. Dom's sweatin it and doesn’t appear to be trust worthy.

Rachel wants to use pov, but who to put up? Jeff thinks they should keep noms the same and get Porsche out. Doesn’t want her in the Jury House. Thinks she’s dumb.

As far as their alliance name, Jordan wants the name “The Rainbow Brights…” LOL (She said it jokingly) “Dream Crusher Alliance” (DCA) is the only name they have at the moment.

The plan is to out Lawon and get him to talk about throwing people under the bus. Start the convo off by grabbing Keith and telling him, let’s ask Lawon and get it out there.

Shelly comes to the HoH room:

Reports that Porsche and Keith were arguing.
Jordan: Okay listen…. To Shelly. Jeff talked to Cassi, (Jeff now explains) that Shelly and Cassi are the ones they want to trust. When they get to final 8 they reassess. They want to work with Shelly and Cassi. Shelly said she would be honored to work with them. She agrees she and Cassi won’t put them up either. Jeff says they are 100% safe, Shelly says they have her word too. It’s going to be kept secret. Cassi will be getting material/info from the opposing team and reporting back, etc. Shelly is completely game.

Shelly spills the beans saying Keith has a Human Resources job… Jeff explains it’s Lawon’s fault, blah blah blah. (Keith really is lying about his job).
Talk goes back to Shelly in their alliance. Jeff: “Know that you are safe.” They just can’t act like they are close. The only worry is how close Cassi is with Dom. Shelly is saying not to worry, she won’t flip. Shelly has their backs 100%, they have her word. Deal done, case closed.
Jeff and the crew are happy and they think they made a good move. They trust Shelly.

Houseguests outside, getting ready to confront Lawon/Keith. But oddly, Rachel just called out Keith about something Porsche said. Still can’t quite figure out what is going on. What it boils down to, Porsche said it was a misunderstanding, that is NOT what she said. Rach is pissed, implies Porsche is lying. Rachel reminds her who has the Veto, and the HoH. LOL. Por doesn’t want them to use the PoV because she thinks she’s safe.

Brendon goes to get Lawon so Keith, Lawon, Rach and Bren can clear the air.
Lawon denies telling anybody anything… All the stuff Keith’s been saying (stuff about Jeff/Jord, Bren/Rach, His Job, blah blah blah). Talk turns to Jeff/Jordan laughing about Dick leaving. They call Jeff over. Jeff denies laughing and was packing, not in the bathroom laughing. If anything he was pissed about Dick leaving. Jeff then asks Lawon about the Human resources thing, said he knew nothing about it. Talk turns to Jeff calling Keith “Cool Keith.” I really can’t keep up. Lawon denies all rumors that he’s been shit talking.

Jeff leaves and they decide to get Kalia. Rachel in the meantime asks Lawon who said they’d put up Jeff/Jordan if they won the HoH. Lawon has no idea what they are talking about.

Keith's pissed because he thinks everyone is making him out to be a liar.
Kalia shows up. Keith, Lawon, Kalia playing the "he said she said" game… Arguing in circles and nothing makes much sense. Lawon wants out of the convo, he said he doesn’t fucking operate on lies. Calls Keith a timebomb. He’s obviously upset. Lawon gets up and leaves. Keith says Lawon is lying that is why he’s reacting that way (I am so lost I have no idea who is telling the truth, but I find Lawon to be a lot more genuine than Keith).

Lawon goes to have not room where Adam is. Says he’s better than them playing like that (the lies). Dani’s in the room too. He’s explaining himself to her too. She’s listening. Lawon said he owned up to everything he said. He’s not going to look like the bad guy. He’s not going to play this game with lies. (Kinda seems sincere. I’m buying it). Lawon starts crying, visibly upset. Says Keith will not be getting his vote to stay. “Ain’t gonna treat me like that. Ain’t no fucking way…” repeats that over and over. Said he NEVER said Keith wasn’t a matchmaker. Dani tells him to stay calm, she’s got his back but he can’t self destruct, others will, he can’t. She seems genuine and like she really cares for him. Talk to Rachel later but for now stay calm and let Keith self-destruct.

Meanwhile, on the outdoor couches the convo has changed: Porsche, Keith, Shelly talking. Really, what it comes down to, Porsche will never be able to trust Keith again. He lied and threw her under the bus. How can she trust her partner now?

Kalia talks to Lawon in Have Not room. Lawon is upfront with her and says Keith is lying. Kalia feels they (Lawon and her) are on the same page and have each other’s back. Lawon is in tears again. Kalia tells him he just needs to calm down now. Basically to let it play out. Lawon reiterates that the only thing he said about her was he did tell Keith he thought Kalia's actions didn't have Keith's best interests at heart. Then apologizes again… Says Keith is trying to throw him under the bus. Kalia is cool with him, she gives him advice on being careful who he talks to in the future because “everyone has an agenda.”

Rach and Brendon discussing her game. She feels bad for Keith and feels he’s getting screwed over. Brendon says he’s done it to himself. They are trying to figure out votes. Lawon won’t keep Keith after that…. Rachel says if they don’t use the PoV, Keith is gone. Brendon is getting on Rachel about being nice to Porsche. It’s going to backfire because Rachel is calling her out in front of everyone and if Porsche stays in the house they basically have an enemy. Dani told Rach that if Bren/Rach goes up Rach will go home. (I do not know where Dani came to that conclusion).

Brendon and Rachel are having a fight. She’s crying, telling Brendon to go away. He keeps going off on how her behavior is going to affect their game. He’s not yelling at her but being forceful. Rachel is upset because he’s going on and on. He’s being rational but I can see how Rachel feels attacked. He hugs her, reiterates everything, she’s upset he won’t leave her alone.

Rachel fears Jeff and Jordon will want to work with Shelly and Cassi because they are always fighting. “Jeff never fights with Jordan….” She says. Brendon says he only expects one thing from her. ONLY talk game if he is present. She tells him, why doesn’t he win HoH and everything then, since he wants to do everything himself…. She wants to be left alone, he won’t, she’s embarrassed because all they do is fight…Here we go, round in circles again… She is paranoid what America and live feeders are seeing and thinking of her. She doesn’t want to hash anything else out. Brendon is SO overbearing and she is so spoiled in the relationship. It’s hard to watch these two very long when they are disagreeing.

Lawon finally spares us from the argument and comes into the HoH. He instantly starts crying saying he doesn’t roll like that (play the game like a liar). Brendon is doing a good job comforting him. “If you gonna roll like that you fucking with the wrong mutha-fucker…” Rachel says nothing. Lawon is hilarious when he is emotional! Buck-up cowboy, Brendon offers him to come up later and chill out and listen to the Spice Girls, lol.

Keith goes to Kalia to assure he is safe from eviction. She says nothing has changed and she won’t vote him out unless the house switches and then she needs to think about herself in the game and go with the majority.

Couple of my additional inputs:

Porsche isn’t attractive at all. I figure she would be someone completely different. Wears little make up, dresses up the least out of the girls, hair is pulled back and rarely done nicely. I guess I just expected someone who cared way more about her appearance and she doesn’t give much of a fuck how she looks. Some people have natural beauty and don’t need all the make up or assecories but Porsche is not naturally beautiful (my opinion), she just looks plain and washed out.

I can’t stand it when Adam does his “deep metal voice.” It annoys the shit out of me. Okay, we know he’s a metal-head who loves 90120. At first I thought I’d love it. Now I’m faced with the realization he uses the “metal-head” as a cover-up to be someone he is not. I thought Adam would be my favorite but he’s turning out to be one of my least favorites.

Rachel IS definitely less annoying this season. Again, I think that has to do with her perception of what America may think of her. Their relationship is volatile. It’s only a matter of time before they split. Brendon is indeed slightly passive aggressive and uses it to control her. I think the relationship in a whole is emotionally abusive and detrimental. It’s unhealthy for them both. I don’t like either one more than the other, nor do I believe either is more at fault than the other. I just can say I hope it ends for them after this show. It’s sad. It’s even sadder when Rachel realizes that there relationship is nothing compared to Jordan’s and Jeff’s and it’s apparent that is what she wants. Unfortunately she is much higher maintenance than Jordan and therefore she will struggle finding a “normal” guy that will be able to put up with her without being overly suffocating.

I’d like to see Shelly come out of her shell a little more. She’s been more reserved than I expected her to be. I think she could make a significant impact in the dynamics of the house if she would just speak up a little more. This is the point where we see the interview vids are not matching up to the people we expected to see in the house.

Later, Keith basically gives Dom props for playing him. He says he’s on their side. Keith's calling him out for making a deal with Rach/Bren/Jeff/Jor/Dani. He says he’s “good,” “real good,” Keith sounds like he’s gonna cry. He thinks Dom will vote however the alliance tells him to vote. Dom leaves the room and tells Cassi “It took me a while but now I know he’s played me…” Cassi is trying to understand why he feels that way but he won’t say. Keith is convinced he’s going home and that the votes have changed, Porsche will be the one to stay. Dom reenters the room, tries to talk to Keith, he tells him the deal was only for a week and that the plan was only if Porsche goes home. Dom swears up and down there is no loyalties to the other alliance. Keith isn’t buying it, saying “you’re good…” (he says this several times throughout the convo).

The night concludes with Brendon dressing up in a "Zorro" costume and creating a movie with Dom (who also dressed up) which was based on Dom stealing, Franklin, Brendon's pet turtle. There are several pictures in the photo gallery concerning this film. Enjoy!

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