*My apologies, my computer is being sent back to HP for constant issues. Hopefully it will be repaired soon so I can continue blogging BB13!! Worst timing ever!!

*WARNING - This blog contains SPOILERS. I watch both the LIVE FEEDS and SHOWTIME BBAD and will write about both at my convenience :)

(This site was created, and looks best, using Firefox).

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Live Feed Updates - July 12th

Morning/ Afternoon:

Kalia is outside crying with her sunglasses on. She says she misses her mom. She said she “hates being in here…” Keeps quietly sobbing and saying she misses her mom. Lawon comforts her, without touching/hugging, just saying reassuring words and letting her cry. He says “being in here makes you appreciate things more…”

Later Kalia is in the HoH room:

Kalia said that Shelly and Cassi will probably vote together, which will be saving Keith. Brendon agrees. Porsche said something to Shelly basically insinuating that Cassi was talking about Shelly. Kalia says after talking to Porsche she thinks “she is just so far out of her league in this game,” Brendon and Dani chime in and they all agree Porsche doesn’t “know what she’s doing.” Dani: “She’s grasping for anything…” Kalia: “She has no idea…” “She wants to use her prize money to hire a film crew to follow her around, she wants to basically make a grassroots kind of thing…” Dani thought Porsche was only kidding about hiring a camera crew. Kalia goes on to saying Porsche said if she gets the golden key she could “definitely be tanner” and be “more in shape…” (More Porsche bashing, blah blah blah).

Okay, basically, in my opinion, Kalia is completely on the Newbies side and she is only saying this stuff to throw Porsche under the bus because they want Keith to stay. I’m sorry but if the Vets actually DO vote to keep Keith, their gameplay/strategy is freaking worthless in my eyes. It is clearer than day that strategically getting rid of Keith is the smartest move by far.
Kalia has a little plan of her own. Remember yesterday when she told Dom about wanting to go home? Well, She wants whomever gets HoH to put her and Lawon up with the understanding that she’s wanting to go home… but then she wants the votes to flip and send Lawon home so she gets the golden key…
The newbies plan (with Cassi as the leader) wants to break up the couples… They plan to put Jeff and Jordan on the block and then backdoor (win the PoV and put up..) Rachel and Brendon instead.


More HoH talk but this time with Jordan, Dani and Rachel; So, of course we find out that Rachel and Brendon have been having sex since the live feeds have been on. Jordan is shocked as she would never have sex in the Big Brother house.

In the Have-Not Room:

Dom is trying to get Lawon fired up into “Dawon”…. Because Keith asked him last night if he’s said anything in the diary room about him and Dom being hot… (Dawon is Lawon’s alter-ego).
What we know about Dawon: Dawon has a gold tooth; Dawon’s built; sometimes Dawon wears cornrows; Dawon has a tattoo that says “The Shit” on the back of his shoulder blade; Dawon lives in Chicago, Dawon fuck all the time. Dawon got four kids. Dawon eats anything. Dawon takes care of his kids. Dawon is not bald headed. Has one earring. Dawon is cool, he can get along with erbody. He don’t have to pack no heat, he can fight. Wow, this is funny stuff! I love Lawon! (Flashback about 7:25. Camera 1).

Interesting how Keith pulled Porsche aside acting all sweet and trying to see where her head is at. He pulled the sympathy card trying to say that he had fewer votes than her… And then shortly after he runs to Dom and completely throws her under the bus and talks mad shit saying she’s confident she’s staying and the vote is gonna be 7-2, etc. I don’t know what Keith is trying to pull but when they were talking numbers Keith said he thought Jordan, Jeff, Dani, Brendon, Adam, Dom and Cassi will vote to evict him. He then said that Lawon and Kalia (and most likely Shelly) will probably vote to evict Porsche. I didn’t listen to the WHOLE convo in the lounge so unless she did I 180 when I switched cameras, Keith is full of shit. Porsche didn’t seem arrogant or confident she would stay and she even tried saying that he’d probably have Cassi and Dom’s vot too. This convo went on and on but from what I just saw Keith say to Dom in the kitchen I do not like him one bit and now I hope he is evicted on Thursday, he is absolutely ruthless in this game (we probably haven’t seen nothing yet!) and his arrogance pisses me off. (Flashback about 12:25 and wait for the convo, feed 1).

The houseguests were on indoor lockdown all day so when the backyard finally opened up the were excited to find a little "putt-putt contraption." They all knew it would either be for the upcoming food competition or the HoH competition. Everyone practiced throughout the night.

Shelly continued playing both sides, as did Keith...

Cassi continued her shit-talking.

And other than the constant rotation of the same talk, I've got nothing else to say about the houseguests tonight. Till tomorrow...

Wait! One more thing... SERIOUSLY, What is up with Lawon's outfit??!!

Get your live feeds here!!! You're missing out!!! Watch Big Brother 13 on SuperPass - see what they can't show you on TV.


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