Shortly after the PoV ceremony, Shelly is in the backyard giving Keith a pep-talk. He’s giving up and she’s telling him not to. Keith just came clean to Shelly about his 9-5 human resources job and youth pastor at church. He made up the dating thing because he thought he’d have a bigger target on his back. Adam’s listening as he’s sitting on the backyard couches too; he’s not saying anything though. Shelly suggests that he comes clean to everyone about his job, say “here’s the real me” and get to know “me” the next 4 or 5 days we potentially have left. Shelly is telling Keith that he’s playing with serious emotion and that is what is hurting him and his game. He needs to move beyond it. Porsche is beginning to beat him mentally. He needs to move beyond it, like she has.
Adam pipes in says it really takes a person with serious mental strength to play this BB game. Some think they have it but now that he’s in here he understands why it’s so hard for people. Right now he’s doing okay mentally but he understands why people lose it.
Adam then starts pep talking Keith. He’s telling him he has to control his emotions. He needs to campaign and explain why he wants to stay in the house. Keith says he’s not sure he even wants to (stay). Adam says if he really feels bad for hurting her, take the experience, and make it known he wants to go instead of Porsche. Keith’s absolutely losing it during this pep talk and fighting some serious tears. Adam: “Keep your head up, walk out that door, don’t look back…”
Meanwhile in the bathroom, an intense convo about how Dick leaving the house this week will affect the golden key holders… will there only be 3 Golden Keys or will there be 4? LOL (It is a seriously funny convo because they are really into it. Jeff can’t seem to grasp what everyone is saying).
Apparently Adam committed to the alliance with Jeff, Jordan, Dani, Brendon, and Rachel. They call Adam in the bathroom to help with an alliance name. Adam suggests "Adam's Angels" and they all moan "NO," Jeff suggests “Jeff’s jerkoffs.” (Where did I miss Adam joining the alliance?)
Everyone migrated outside at about 1:45ish BBT. General chitchat while laying in the sun sunbathing.
Well, except for Dom, Cassi and Lawon who are chit chatting in the Have-Not Room. Lawon warns them to be careful because people are talking about how close they are getting. Not sure what is going on. Lawon says he will do whatever but they have to work as a team. Can’t figure out who they are targeting, but one thing I do know, it doesn’t look like Cassi is with the Vets (and therefore Shelly?). “Adam’s on the fence,” Lawon brings up, but Dom is convinced he can get him to vote his way.
In the Kitchen, Adam tells Porsche that she should campaign WHY she should STAY, not WHY Keith should LEAVE.
Lots of sunbathing going on today!!
The backyard talk turned to Brendon and Rachel’s wedding; then Brendon and Rachel’s future children. I did learn that Shelly had a Mirna in (female contraception) and when they tried to remove it, it became stuck (encapsulated) and she had to have a hysterectomy to remove it (she can no longer have children). She reiterated that it was a very rare, freak thing, and only knows of one other person this has ever happened to.
Rachel says that she wants to name there firstborn boy, BJ (Brendon Junior). LMAO @ BJ…
Apparently Cassi used to be a model. She was really good at it and was in big with some major modeling companies. She hated it and that’s why she quit (she didn't really quit).
Cassi and Dom are still whispering in the Have Not room. I have no idea what is going on, I do know that they are 100% clearly aligned together now. If either of them have a chance to win HoH they would put up Jeff and Jordan. Later they need to think about striking a deal if they are all still in the house with all the veterans. If the house is too scared to make bold moves and get the veterans out that is when Cassi and Dom (and their partners?) will flip to the veteran side. Definitely see a possible showmance between Dom and Cassi. They are clearly the closest in the house outside of the duos. They are done strategizing and leave the H/Not room. Cassi goes outside and tells Dom to wait a bit before he comes out because everyone is outside.
All the ladies laying out by the pool (minus Cassi) are talking about boobs, how implants work, what “kind” they are. Jordan “tried on” a couple using a weighted bra in the Dr. Office, that’s how she picked hers. Rachel picked hers out of a Playboy magazine that the doctor provided (LOL!).
Dani and Rach in HoH room 5:19 BBT. Porsche went to Rachel saying she has the votes to stay. Dani says she’s kinda bossy and it annoys her. Rachel doesn’t understand what she (Porsche) is thinking. Dani says she’s surprised but people are already falling a part. Brendon appears from the bathroom and asked what Porsche said to Rachel. Rachel tells him she was kinda cocky about thinking she would stay.
Brendon starts talking about how Jeff was teasing Porsche about being with Keith (Jeff asked her what they would be doing next Valentine’s Day, just in fun). Porsche (to Jeff) said she could never date him because her dad wouldn’t approve (because he’s black) and because he lives in Detroit.
Talk still in the HoH room with Rachel, Dani, and Brendon. They are knocking people who do multiple reality shows and then all laugh because they’ve all done it. I think they are making fun of Keith who did the reality show “Genuine Ken” (see my post on his bio and you will see a clip from the show).
More talk to Porsche and who they should evict. Talk turns to Cassi and her bragging about the famous country people she knows, has dated, etc. Cassi says the her last ex-boyfriend she completely supported financially. Talk turns to Cassi modeling. She started modeling at 11 but had quit when she was like 18 (Not really, she is actually still a model and doesn’t want them to know). Brendon is skeptical about where her money comes from. He thinks it’s good to make sure every one’s story adds up (Brendon is actually being really smart). They are still trying to put together all the “he said, she said” and if she really is or was a model. Feeds were cut and when they came back Brendon asked if Dani has ever banged anyone famous (LOL) and Dani said no. Talk about sex continues and how Kalia is always talking about sex!
The feeds today thus far have been horribly boring. A lot of suntanning and very little game talk.
Later that evening:
Jordan and Rachel talking about relationships in the backyard (6:50 BBT). Rachel asked Jordan if she and Jeff ever talk about getting married. Jordan said no, they don’t talk about stuff like that. If Jeff were to propose anytime soon she’d be shocked, wouldn’t have any words… Rachel keeps pushing the convo and Jordan says she doesn’t want to rush anything (No Rachel, not everybody is planning a wedding less than a year after they get out of the BB House).
11:39 BBT Rachel's been tipped off, thanks to Porsche. Now, Cassi needs to be the next to go. Threatening to put one of them up Jeff/Jor or Bren/Rach next week.
Keith's going this week. Cassi the next week. Then Dom might flop with Cassi gone.
Jordan and Rachel are hashing all this out in the Storage Room then go seperate ways with plans to meet up in HoH later. Rachel makes a B-line for Brendon and she tells him what is up but also tells him not to call out Cassi. They make plans to talk to Shelly.
Rach calls Shelly to the HoH to tell her what she heard. Apparently Cassi was talking to Lawon saying he "had to vote out Porsche and keep Keith because we have to get these guys out!" What it boils down to is she doesn’t want blood on her hands, (Rachel and Shelly both agree this is her strategy). Shelly is worried now that next it even could be her because she's not onboard with her partner. Rachel tells her not to worry because they have the votes. Rachel continues saying the same thing... Cassi said someone has to have the balls to put “them” up (Keith might be that guy)… Shelly and Rachel agree, Cassi is a “super floater” knowing how to keep blood off her hands. Rachel said Cassi reminds her sort of how Ericka played in all-stars. Rach says it could up being a 5/5 vote and she may have to break the tie and then there will be trouble.
Shelly and Rach’s talk goes well and Shelly seems like a really wonderful and sincere person. I think she feels badly for being tangled up in the mess. I think Shelly wants to stay with the Vets side. She’s made about the scheming on the other side, mainly her partner.
Quick girl talk between Rach and Porsce… Trying to figure out votes on who will keep Keith and who will vote to keep Porsche. Rach says if it’s a tie break she will vote to keep Porsche. Hard for me to make much sense of the convo because they are whispering so quietly.
Jeff/Jor/Rach in the purple lounge room. Cassi is orchestrating the whole thing. Even Shelly recognized it. Rach explains that they are trying to keep Keith in the house. Keith apparently told Jeff earlier that the plan was (on the other side) to put J/J up. They decide to move to HoH room, and Jeff begins swearing upon exit of the lounge LOL.
Up in the HoH, Jor/Rach/Jeff…. Rach tells them that Shelly said she is still with them (vets) 100% … Jeff says they don’t need to call out Cassi…. Jeff says we’ll tell them we’re putting up Lawon and Kalia… then just blindside them. Kalia might not vote to keep Keith because she doesn’t like him. So, where it stands, Shelly and Kalia, Jeff, Jordan, Dani, will vote to evict Keith, Dom, Lawon, Cassi and Adam(?) will vote to evict Porsche. (I'm a little confused if Dani or Brendon are allowed to vote?)
JEFF wants Dom out first, he’ll be harder to beat in a physical com AND he’s a shit stirrer… Cassi can go next (after Dom).
The HoH group has heard that Kalia, Adam, Lawon all want to throw the HoH competition because they don't want a target on their back, (Dom and Cassi will prob be the only ones playing for Hoh). (Yeah, don't think that will happen).
Kalia goes to the HoH. They ask her how she wants to vote. Says she’s going to do what ever she wants to do… she doesn’t know what the others even plan on doing. Keith doesn’t even want to come up to HoH try to plead his case as to why he wants to stay, Kalia says.
Dom and Lawon in the hammock. Thinks the voting will be majority based (Lawon says). Dom says he will keep lawon in the loop about where the house stands.
Shelly and Cassi talk on the couch but nothing major is said. She did tell Cassi that "they" (Vets) knew what she had said about "having the balls to put them up." Cassi really didn't reply but she did look somber.
And Shelly, well she just looks stressed because she is torn about her loyalty to her partner and working with her favorite (and sweetest) BB Players ever, Jeff and Jordan.
The very last of the evening simmers down as people start to crash there is just general chit-chat going on.
As far as my rantiness... I don't have a whole lot yet, obviously. I'm team Jeff/Jordan/Brendon/Rachel/Dani... I would love nothing more to have Shelly flop to that side. I am not like so many of the haters out there, I am actually enjoying having the veterans there. I honestly think the house would be boring without them.
Hopefully I focus tomorrow on a little less play-by-play and a little more of my rantiness.
Here's a couple more pics... You can view all of today's pictures in the Photo Gallery Wk 1 tab above!
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